Monday, December 25, 2023

Politcal Analysis

 A fundamental analysis of this current American quandary. Much of the current rhetoric I've been hearing that's being willfully promoted is treasonous in it's inception, let alone it's usage. It's some form of "We need to eradicate Americans".

That kind of talk would get you eliminated by a superior, as a matter of safety for your fellow soldiers. Someone like that better pray they get lucky enough to be dishonorably discharged. 

I ain't even in the Military and know this.  

Eradicate Americans? Oh, because they're "______"? It doesn't matter whatever current buzzword is used: "woke", "liberals", "the left", "dems", "republicans", they're still Americans. Infants know better. Some people don't feel like I do though. I guess I'm too conservative, and I stand too hard for right and wrong. One nation, under God right? God is the boss.......right? The laws that govern this country, should align with the laws of God right. Thou shalt not kill? 

Some people don't feel like I do though. The "intelligent" ones. They been in America since America's inception. Still, I feel no need to eradicate them. Why? I'll knock they ass out, and I might not even kick them while they down, however, I'm not in the business of eradication. Sheesh. 

Saturday, December 23, 2023


I really don't trust no European history, for all we know, Aristotle could have looked like R.Kelly. You know the Vatican got to have a secret room full of Sphinx noses and historical depictions of people as they looked. 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

"If I was the head of the MCU, I would..." brainstorming.

I'd make X-Men as the not so quirky Marvel movie event. Build up Charles Xavier as the greatest threat to Earth's power structure. They didn't really touch on that in the first X-Men. The senate scene wasn't enough. Every organization of any size, from world governments to gangsters would be scared of that nigga. We'll see what they do. They made an amicable attempt of a tone switch, with the Eternals. 

In the more "whimsical" MCU, they could focus on the new-Thanos level threats. Make franchise stars out of the villains. The choice to switch the origin of Namor to South America for Black Panther 2 was brilliant. With that in mind, they could do something high profile, such as Cast Denzel as Memphisto, Tom Hanks as Doom, Johnathan Majors as Kang :rb :doh Hell, they got Elaine from Seinfeld as the new queen of crime or some shit. 

The TV shows have been better than the movies and that ain't good. 

Black Chicago

I'm not an expert in all major cities, but I been to enough and from what I've seen, Chicagoans be the only people that go out they way to "Out-Black" everybody, like it's a competition, good or bad. Obama pimp struttin through the White House, Crucial Conflict up in they video eating pig feet, whatever Kanye West is on....we took over pop culture in the 70s with Blackest culture ever, Curtis Mayfield, Chaka Khan. You can not, not associate Black Chicago with the Black experience in the 70s. Like I said, outblack everybody else. Why don't we just start trying to out White each other? 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Galactus in the MCU

Post credit: 

An average person on an average day is Interrupted with audio glitches and strange visual glitches of pink, purple, and burgundy lights and colors. Their day continues like this until everyone starts moving unimaginablly slow. A low bass grows like 1000 808s at once,  slowly merging into an unfathomly deep voice. The average person looks outside the closest window and sees a deep tint of magenta bathing the sky, provoking them to run outside. They run down the stairs and burst outside to the sidewalk, staring in disbelief as the sky is filled with an apparition of unimaginable size. Everyone outside is completely still, staring up. 

 Enter Galactus. A faceless being composed of crown like headdress that vibrates with the bass of its voice. The closest comparison is the Death Star meets a sleek, well-organized Borg Cube. Galactus, a well run machine, run by machinery, vibrating with life and movement. An amazing apparition of a machine,  burgundy-black-greyish, lit in purple and pink. A necessary tool for the removal of forces that threaten the integrity of the galaxy. Its face can zoom in to fill the sky with its a view of its smallest nook and cranny, or zoom out to show its entire body. It looms behind the moon. We are looking through the average persons eyes. 

The average person is so amazed by this sight, they don't notice that everyone around them is going about their business like it never happened. The average person was the only one who saw it. They realize this as its too late. 

Elsewhere, a faceless figure gets up from a table, removing their magenta and purple headphones. All other audio cuts out, leaving nothing but the percussive sounds of what this faceless figure is doing (eg pulling a chair in), end credits.

Bone Thugs the fundamentalists.

Bone Thugs N Harmony, based on their content, is a Fundamentalist Christian terrorist rap group. They sing song after song about murder, and then do Gospel. 

Thursday, November 23, 2023

You won't force me into war.

The failure that is the modern day right, is trying to convince half the people in the U.S. that there is a war by the government, on the people.

Ok fine, i'm convinced, but where the fuck have they been? 

Genocide against the natives.
Slavery slavery slavery. Slavery. 
Post slavery
Jim crow
The red scare
The war on drugs
The war on terrorism.

In those instances people, Americans, (many, if not most of them innocent) have been killed, tortured, terrorized, etc. To what avail? 

Now we at war, cause gay or "they" people show up on our favorite TV shows? That's what's going to motivate us to say "we finally had enough". I don't believe it. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Blue into Red

 What's the feasible conservative alternative to destructive liberal policies? I think savvy voters in big blue cities should ask this question. Maybe a conservative candidate who understands its constituency will turn over a traditionally major blue city. I don't see it happening through. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

City Observations

Harlem is Black downtown. 

The major street running through the CBD is flanked by multinational corporations, such as Marshalls. 

Los Angeles is Suburbia Prime, which is major, because most of the US is suburban by design. 

Friday, August 18, 2023


I could see the holes in the iconic structures of the Malian empire being used for many purposes. One of its uses could play with light, by inserting a series of lit sticks or lit structures into the holes and moving them around to create complex light structures. If the timing and positioning is right, one could create what looks iike a modern day LED effect or even a hologram. 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Cities as Months

List: Prominent cities and their respective months by the rule of esotericnessness.

Toronto  - January (Twin Cities if we sticking to the US) - If you want to celebrate the cold, the best places to be in. 

Chicago - February, Chicago has an "we here, what can we do about it"  energy, plus it's brutally cold winters strike fear into the hearts of its residents.

New York - March: March Madness.

San Francisco - April - look at the weather.

Los Angeles - May - again, look at the weather.

Miami - June - again, look at the weather.

Atlanta - July. Hotlanta. I visited Clark Atlanta and Morehouse one summer. Saw a wall of humidity and 800 foot tall trees. 

Houston - August 
Dry heat to burn your feet. 

Washington DC - September 
It's nice, and important like September 

Seattle - October - Seattle and the Pacific Northwest all feel like Winter is around the corner. 

Philadelphia - November - Philly is very homely and fulfilling. Even the word has "phill" in it. 

Boston - December - Cosy 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Da Streets

The hardest legends of "da streets" are locked up, being told what to do by White People

I put what "da sidewalk" "da lawn" "da house" "da bus" "da automobile" "da store" thinks over "da streets" 

Miss me with that. 

Friday, February 24, 2023


The "you not having fun is impeding on my ability to have fun" bully - is a type of bully, I think it's more nefarious than the "I'll stop you from having fun" bully, because they rarely show their faces.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Shared consciousness and MLK

    You ever been in a situation where people are having fun, and there's somebody not enjoying themselves (or who has the perception they're not enjoying themselves) -> Then some of the people who are having fun become emotionally agitated by their presence, turning on them or even insulting them?

"Why's he/she so serious"
"They're ruining my vibe"
"They won't change my opinion"
    They'll bombard that person with a barrage of negative attention but never directly engage with them or ask them what's wrong.

    I believe that shared consciousness is real, and that malicious intent and selfish intent within that shared pool holds less potency than morally upright and altruistic thinking. The latter serves as a constant interrupter, bringing forth emotions and accountability that one may not want to deal with at the moment. It thrusts it to the front of the individual mind like "you're going to deal with me!!" Some people get offended by that and react in a number of ways: aggression, mockery, etc. This shared consciousness process becomes like a tug of war, where the side of selfishness is often loud and brash, and vindictive against their opponents, wanting the opposition to not just lose, but suffer. Sometimes the side of altruism picks up this vindictiveness, becoming like an oppressive authoritarian in the mindset. But every now and then somebody shows up on the side of morals just as loud and brash, but without the vindictiveness, and they really become a problem to the opposition, throwing them off their game. Martin Luther King Jr is the best modern example of this.

Friday, January 13, 2023


 On vulgarity. 

Removing vulgarity from my speech is not an easy task. Now that I don't use it in my everyday conversations, I start rapping and nothing but cuss words come to mind. It's like I can't even form a complete bar without cussing. Like I got a stash of cuss words in a bank somewhere, growing with compounded interest, run by the World bank of cussing, secretly funding my music. I am insecure in my ability to rap without cussing, at least for the first 10 minutes. Yet I find me cussing entertaining, so it's healing, so I'm like "should I heal with cuss words now" cause I will knock a n**ga the f**k out, the way n**gas been acting these days. See, I can't even keep it real in my music now. What I'm finna say?, that I won't knock a n**ga the f**k out? But that's not keeping it real! Aw well, to the cutting room floor. 

Thank you Rap music. I should of just cussed my whole career and made it big on B.E.T. Uncut.