Saturday, December 2, 2023

Galactus in the MCU

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An average person on an average day is Interrupted with audio glitches and strange visual glitches of pink, purple, and burgundy lights and colors. Their day continues like this until everyone starts moving unimaginablly slow. A low bass grows like 1000 808s at once,  slowly merging into an unfathomly deep voice. The average person looks outside the closest window and sees a deep tint of magenta bathing the sky, provoking them to run outside. They run down the stairs and burst outside to the sidewalk, staring in disbelief as the sky is filled with an apparition of unimaginable size. Everyone outside is completely still, staring up. 

 Enter Galactus. A faceless being composed of crown like headdress that vibrates with the bass of its voice. The closest comparison is the Death Star meets a sleek, well-organized Borg Cube. Galactus, a well run machine, run by machinery, vibrating with life and movement. An amazing apparition of a machine,  burgundy-black-greyish, lit in purple and pink. A necessary tool for the removal of forces that threaten the integrity of the galaxy. Its face can zoom in to fill the sky with its a view of its smallest nook and cranny, or zoom out to show its entire body. It looms behind the moon. We are looking through the average persons eyes. 

The average person is so amazed by this sight, they don't notice that everyone around them is going about their business like it never happened. The average person was the only one who saw it. They realize this as its too late. 

Elsewhere, a faceless figure gets up from a table, removing their magenta and purple headphones. All other audio cuts out, leaving nothing but the percussive sounds of what this faceless figure is doing (eg pulling a chair in), end credits.

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