Thursday, June 22, 2023

Cities as Months

List: Prominent cities and their respective months by the rule of esotericnessness.

Toronto  - January (Twin Cities if we sticking to the US) - If you want to celebrate the cold, the best places to be in. 

Chicago - February, Chicago has an "we here, what can we do about it"  energy, plus it's brutally cold winters strike fear into the hearts of its residents.

New York - March: March Madness.

San Francisco - April - look at the weather.

Los Angeles - May - again, look at the weather.

Miami - June - again, look at the weather.

Atlanta - July. Hotlanta. I visited Clark Atlanta and Morehouse one summer. Saw a wall of humidity and 800 foot tall trees. 

Houston - August 
Dry heat to burn your feet. 

Washington DC - September 
It's nice, and important like September 

Seattle - October - Seattle and the Pacific Northwest all feel like Winter is around the corner. 

Philadelphia - November - Philly is very homely and fulfilling. Even the word has "phill" in it. 

Boston - December - Cosy