Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Gettin old?

They say that Men always look sex first. I wonder if that theory has a shelf life? I find myself at 40 to the point where I won't even be attracted in a sexual way unless one first becomes the type of good friend that I'm eager to kick it with the most out of all my friends. How they look is a distant second.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Cartel Goons on a Speedboat

I saw a news story about some cartel goons shooting at people on speedboats,

This is kind of goofy, get sex appeal by any means necessary types of s**t. It's a game of who can outdo each other, who can do something more and more scandalous (or macabre) to the next person, and find a way to associate with something positive, something cool. This is what happens when children are raised by fools with no concept of the rules of getting along with each other, they ain't punished, they ain't reprimanded, they ain't told what they did wrong, instead they get PRAISED! The poor fools on the boats don't even realize they'll be in debt, and they'll also be a slave to the void that needs to be fulfilled when taking a life. How can one help the helpless fool who insists on being helpless and revels in it? It's unacceptable, despicable, disgusting, embarrassing. This childish behavior threatens the goodwill of the village, regardless of where the village is. Same patterns repeating themselves everywhere you go. The more extreme, the easier the pattern is to see. FOH.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


When you know you can obtain it easily and frequently from a number of different sources, but you make it a personal quest to find out what happens when you don't, analyzing your own attitude and the attitudes of the people offering, and your reaction to it. At this point it becomes like a serendipitous science experiment, with the unexpected benefits of a serene and ever-growing, profound sense of self + an unwavering faith that you will find what's best for you. The only thing stopping you is inaction or actions against your own self-interest. The former is impossible and the latter is implausible.  Hallelujer.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

X-Men into the Marvel Universe.

If I were writing X-Men into Marvel, I would make it so that before the blip, there were only a few hundred mutants worldwide, hidden so well, only the most secret govt agencies know about them. Increased mutant gene activity coincides with traumatic events in World history. Post blip, people start slowly gaining powers. 

I can't wait to see what they do. 

Inasal chicken

Traditional Filipino dish, made from scratch. Very tangy, robust sweet flavor. Served with rice. If you're adventurous, you mix the rice with the sauce until the rice turns orange