Monday, June 21, 2021

Cartel Goons on a Speedboat

I saw a news story about some cartel goons shooting at people on speedboats,

This is kind of goofy, get sex appeal by any means necessary types of s**t. It's a game of who can outdo each other, who can do something more and more scandalous (or macabre) to the next person, and find a way to associate with something positive, something cool. This is what happens when children are raised by fools with no concept of the rules of getting along with each other, they ain't punished, they ain't reprimanded, they ain't told what they did wrong, instead they get PRAISED! The poor fools on the boats don't even realize they'll be in debt, and they'll also be a slave to the void that needs to be fulfilled when taking a life. How can one help the helpless fool who insists on being helpless and revels in it? It's unacceptable, despicable, disgusting, embarrassing. This childish behavior threatens the goodwill of the village, regardless of where the village is. Same patterns repeating themselves everywhere you go. The more extreme, the easier the pattern is to see. FOH.

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