Monday, December 25, 2023

Politcal Analysis

 A fundamental analysis of this current American quandary. Much of the current rhetoric I've been hearing that's being willfully promoted is treasonous in it's inception, let alone it's usage. It's some form of "We need to eradicate Americans".

That kind of talk would get you eliminated by a superior, as a matter of safety for your fellow soldiers. Someone like that better pray they get lucky enough to be dishonorably discharged. 

I ain't even in the Military and know this.  

Eradicate Americans? Oh, because they're "______"? It doesn't matter whatever current buzzword is used: "woke", "liberals", "the left", "dems", "republicans", they're still Americans. Infants know better. Some people don't feel like I do though. I guess I'm too conservative, and I stand too hard for right and wrong. One nation, under God right? God is the boss.......right? The laws that govern this country, should align with the laws of God right. Thou shalt not kill? 

Some people don't feel like I do though. The "intelligent" ones. They been in America since America's inception. Still, I feel no need to eradicate them. Why? I'll knock they ass out, and I might not even kick them while they down, however, I'm not in the business of eradication. Sheesh. 

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